Systems & Computational Biology
- Integrated human/SARS-CoV-2 metabolic models present novel treatment strategies against COVID-19
Integrated human/SARS-CoV-2 metabolic models present novel treatment strategies against COVID-19 and provide insights into viral entry inhibition, immune regulation, and drug optimisation strategies.
- Incomplete antiviral treatment may induce longer durations of viral shedding during SARS-CoV-2 infection
Treatments initiated early, such as 0.5 d after virus inoculation, with intermediate to relatively high efficacy (30–70% inhibition of virus replication) yield a prolonged duration of viral shedding (by about 6.0 d) compared with no treatment.
- Dynamic changes in RNA–protein interactions and RNA secondary structure in mammalian erythropoiesis
Analysis of PIP-seq data from a model of erythropoiesis reveals dynamics of RBP–RNA interaction and changes in RNA secondary structure throughout red blood cell development.
- Hepatitis B virus compartmentalization and single-cell differentiation in hepatocellular carcinoma
Single-cell RNA-Seq unravels heterogeneity and compartmentalization of both hepatitis B virus and cancer identifying new candidate pathways for viral hepatocarcinogenesis.
- Functional annotation of noncoding mutations in cancer
Recurrent regulatory mutations affecting transcription factor binding sites in 2,500 cancer samples.
- Hierarchical dinucleotide distribution in genome along evolution and its effect on chromatin packing
It describes how hierarchical CpG distribution on the genomes of species change in the evolution and the correlation with the chromatin structure.
- On the relation of gene essentiality to intron structure: a computational and deep learning approach
A deep learning classifier predicts gene essentiality by intron sequence. A unique set of intron features of essential genes was found and its importance demonstrated by a high-performing classifier.
- Proteomics characterisation of the L929 cell supernatant and its role in BMDM differentiation
L929 cell supernatant is commonly used to differentiate murine macrophages from bone marrow. The supernatant and its effect on macrophage phenotype was characterised by proteomics and the authors identified novel immunoregulatory proteins.
- CellMixS: quantifying and visualizing batch effects in single-cell RNA-seq data
A systematic comparison of batch effect metrics for single cell data is performed. The new cell-specific mixing score from the R/Bioconductor CellMixS package performs well across various tasks.
- PieParty: visualizing cells from scRNA-seq data as pie charts
PieParty visualizes every cell in scRNA-seq experiments as pie charts, where every slice of a pie chart corresponds to the expression of a single gene.