Microbiology, Virology & Host Pathogen Interaction
- Helicobacter pylori induces the expression of Lgr5 and stem cell properties in gastric target cells
Helicobacter pylori infection induces Lgr5 expression and stem cell properties in its target cells in a type IV secretion system/NF-kB-dependent manner. This effect on stemness is exacerbated by constitutive Wnt pathway activation and persists after antibiotic eradication.
- Transcriptional and methylation outcomes of didehydro-cortistatin A use in HIV-1–infected CD4+ T cells
The HIV-1 Tat inhibitor didehydro-cortistatin A not only blocks HIV-1 transcription but also induces specific transcriptional and epigenetic changes in CD4+ T cells, promoting a tolerogenic Treg/Th2 phenotype and reducing inflammatory gene expression.
- Quantitative assessment of the nanoanatomy of the contractile vacuole complex in Trypanosoma cruzi
Electron microscopy analysis of the osmoregulatory system in T. cruzi cell lines subjected to cryopreparation methods revealed dynamic changes in the contractile vacuole complex (CVC) and the structure of the adhesion plaque domain during the CVC pulsation cycle.
- FAT10 inhibits TRIM21 to down-regulate antiviral type-I interferon secretion
The ubiquitin-like modifier FAT10 down-regulates the antiviral type-I IFN response not only by targeting OTUB1 but also by degrading the E3 TRIM21 and by inhibiting its activation upon IAV infection.
- Correction: Reduced protein-coding transcript diversity in severe dengue emphasises the role of alternative splicing
Transcriptomic analysis of dengue-infected patients reveals altered immune response pathways, transcript diversity, and splicing efficiency, underscoring potential therapeutic targets for treatment.
- Reduced protein-coding transcript diversity in severe dengue emphasises the role of alternative splicing
Transcriptomic analysis of dengue-infected patients reveals altered immune response pathways, transcript diversity, and splicing efficiency, underscoring potential therapeutic targets for treatment.
- PrgE: an OB-fold protein from plasmid pCF10 with striking differences to prototypical bacterial SSBs
Enterococcal PrgE, from the conjugative plasmid pCF10, is a non-typical SSB that not only binds ssDNA in a filamentous manner but also binds dsDNA equally well as ssDNA.
- Dual neutrophil subsets exacerbate or suppress inflammation in tuberculosis via IL-1β or PD-L1
Neutrophils, key cells in tuberculosis, reach the lungs as two distinct subsets playing opposite roles in inflammation: either exacerbating via IL-1b or dampening via PD-L1.
- Full-length MSP1 is a major target of protective immunity after controlled human malaria infection
Full-length merozoite surface protein 1 is an important target of functional antibodies that play an important role in clinical immunity against invasive asexual Plasmodium falciparum parasites.
- Modulating mycobacterial envelope integrity for antibiotic synergy with benzothiazoles
This study explores benzothiazoles targeting a novel mycobacterial vulnerability, resulting in increased mycobacterial cell envelope permeability and enhanced antibiotic activity.