Evolution and function of genomic imprinting in plants

  1. Daniel Zilberman
  1. Department of Plant and Microbial Biology, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, California 94720, USA
  1. Corresponding author: danielz{at}berkeley.edu


Genomic imprinting, an inherently epigenetic phenomenon defined by parent of origin-dependent gene expression, is observed in mammals and flowering plants. Genome-scale surveys of imprinted expression and the underlying differential epigenetic marks have led to the discovery of hundreds of imprinted plant genes and confirmed DNA and histone methylation as key regulators of plant imprinting. However, the biological roles of the vast majority of imprinted plant genes are unknown, and the evolutionary forces shaping plant imprinting remain rather opaque. Here, we review the mechanisms of plant genomic imprinting and discuss theories of imprinting evolution and biological significance in light of recent findings.


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