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Molecular mechanisms of epithelial–mesenchymal transition

Key Points

  • The epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) process results in the downregulation of epithelial, and activation of mesenchymal, cell characteristics and behaviour. This transdifferentiation process is initially reversible, with mesenchymal–epithelial transition (MET) enabling reversion to an epithelial phenotype. Both epithelial and endothelial cells can transition into a mesenchymal phenotype.

  • EMT is integral in development, starting with the generation of mesoderm, and consecutive waves of EMT and MET occur in the generation of diverse cell types and tissues. EMT is pathologically reactivated in, and contributes to, the progression of fibrosis and cancer. In carcinomas, EMT has been associated with the generation of invasive cells and acquisition of cancer stem cell properties.

  • EMT is initiated by the deconstruction of epithelial cell–cell junctions and apical–basal polarity, subsequently enabling the cells to establish a front–rear polarity, which is required for directional migration. Further changes in cell adhesion and membrane extrusions contribute to the increased cell motility following EMT.

  • Integral in the EMT process is the reprogramming of gene expression, that is, the repression of an epithelial gene expression pattern and the activation of genes that contribute to EMT and the mesenchymal phenotype. EMT-associated gene reprogramming involves key transcription factors with central roles in driving this transdifferentiation process.

  • Superimposed on the changes in gene expression are extensive and selective alterations in the splicing patterns of nascent transcripts, which are mediated by changes in splicing factor expression. In addition, an extensive network of microRNAs (miRNAs) represses the expression of EMT transcription factors and other targets; in some cases, miRNAs regulate EMT and MET through functional feedback mechanisms.

  • Transforming growth factor-β (TGFβ) family proteins are potent inducers of EMT, partly through the SMAD-mediated activation of EMT transcription factor expression and the subsequent SMAD-mediated control of their transcription activities. TGFβ family proteins also activate complementary non-SMAD signalling pathways that contribute to the induction and progression of EMT.

  • EMT is elaborated through the functional cooperation of signalling pathways that can be activated by diverse extracellular signals. These pathways converge at multiple levels, including at the level of gene reprogramming.


The transdifferentiation of epithelial cells into motile mesenchymal cells, a process known as epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT), is integral in development, wound healing and stem cell behaviour, and contributes pathologically to fibrosis and cancer progression. This switch in cell differentiation and behaviour is mediated by key transcription factors, including SNAIL, zinc-finger E-box-binding (ZEB) and basic helix–loop–helix transcription factors, the functions of which are finely regulated at the transcriptional, translational and post-translational levels. The reprogramming of gene expression during EMT, as well as non-transcriptional changes, are initiated and controlled by signalling pathways that respond to extracellular cues. Among these, transforming growth factor-β (TGFβ) family signalling has a predominant role; however, the convergence of signalling pathways is essential for EMT.

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Figure 1: Cellular events during EMT.
Figure 2: Roles and regulation of major EMT transcription factors.
Figure 3: Molecular mechanisms of TGFβ-induced EMT.
Figure 4: Signalling pathways involved in EMT.

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The authors apologize to their colleagues whose work could not be cited owing to space limitations. Relevant research in the laboratory of R.D. is sponsored by US National Institutes of Health grants from the National Cancer Institute. S.L. and J.X. were recipients of scientist development awards by the US American Heart Association.

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Correspondence to Rik Derynck.

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Apical–basal polarity

The unequal distribution of proteins and other materials between the apical side (facing the exterior) and the basal side (facing the interior) in epithelial cells.

CD44hiCD24low phenotype

The profile of the cell surface expression of two cell surface proteins, cluster of differentiation 44 (CD44) and CD24, which correlates with epithelial and carcinoma stem cell properties and behaviour.

Front–rear polarity

Unequal distribution of proteins between the front of a migrating cell, defined by the leading edge of the membrane, and the rear, where adhesion complexes disassemble. Front–rear polarity is required for directional migration.

Tight junctions

Adhesion protein complexes between adjacent epithelial or endothelial cells. Composed of integral membrane proteins, including claudins and occludin, and the cytoplasmic proteins zonula occludens 1 (ZO1), ZO2 and ZO3, which link the transmembrane proteins to the actin cytoskeleton and signalling proteins.

Adherens junctions

Form an adhesion belt between cells and provide homophilic interactions between epithelial cadherin (E-cadherin) molecules on opposing cell surfaces. The cytoplasmic proteins β-catenin and p120 catenin associate with E-cadherin and with the actin cytoskeleton through actin-associated proteins such as α-catenin.


Characterized by a 'patch' that holds cells on opposing lateral cell surfaces together, using similar protein complexes to adherens junctions. Desmosomal cadherin, desmogleins and desmocollins associate with plakoglobins and plakophilins underneath the plasma membrane, and connect to intermediate filaments through desmoplakin.

Gap junctions

Protein complexes that connect neighbouring cells and enable the passage of ions and small molecules between them through hemi-channels formed by hexamers of connexin proteins. They also provide adherence.

Apical compartment

The membrane-associated compartment at the apical side of a polarized epithelial cell.

Basolateral compartment

The membrane-associated compartment of an epithelial cell combining both the lateral sides that mediate cell–cell interactions and the basal side that enables the cell to interact with the underlying basement membrane.

Cortical actin cytoskeleton

The organization of the actin bundles and associated proteins underneath the membranes of epithelial cells that mediate cell–cell and cell–extracellular matrix interactions.

Actin stress fibre

Dynamic structures of actin filaments and associated proteins that have important roles in cell motility and contractility.

Endocardial cushion

An accumulation of cells, mostly arising from endothelial cells, in the primordial heart that will give rise to the valves and septa of the heart.

Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva

Very rare progressive connective tissue disease resulting in the gradual ossification of fibrous tissue, either spontaneously or in response to damage. It is caused by an activating mutation in the activin receptor type 1 (ACVR1) gene that encodes the transforming growth factor-β family type I receptor activin receptor-like kinase 2 (ALK2).

Guanine nucleotide exchange factors

(GEFs). Proteins that facilitate the exchange of GDP for GTP in the nucleotide-binding pocket of a GTP-binding protein.

GTPase-activating proteins

(GAPs). Proteins that inactivate small GTPases by stimulating them to hydrolyse GTP into GDP.

Guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitors

(GDIs). Cytosolic proteins that bind to prenylated RAB proteins in their inactive, GDP-bound state. They are involved in RAB GTPase delivery to, and removal from, membranes.

Coelomic epithelium

The epithelium that lines the surface of the body wall and the abdominal organs.


Part of the somite in vertebrate development that gives rise to the vertebrae and much of the skull.

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Lamouille, S., Xu, J. & Derynck, R. Molecular mechanisms of epithelial–mesenchymal transition. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 15, 178–196 (2014).

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