PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Liu, Yu AU - Min, Yu AU - Liu, Yongxin AU - Watanabe, Yoshinori TI - Phosphorylation of Rec8 cohesin complexes regulates mono-orientation of kinetochores in meiosis I AID - 10.26508/lsa.202302556 DP - 2024 May 01 TA - Life Science Alliance PG - e202302556 VI - 7 IP - 5 4099 - 4100 - SO - Life Sci. Alliance2024 May 01; 7 AB - In meiosis I, unlike in mitosis, sister kinetochores are captured by microtubules emanating from the same spindle pole (mono-orientation) and centromeric cohesion mediated by cohesin is protected in the following anaphase I. The conserved meiosis-specific kinetochore protein meikin (Moa1 in fission yeast) associates with polo-like kinase: Plo1 and regulates both mono-orientation and cohesion protection. Although the phosphorylation of Rec8-S450 by Plo1 associated with Moa1 plays a key role in cohesion protection, how Moa1-Plo1 regulates mono-orientation remains elusive. Here, we identify Plo1 phosphorylation sites in the cohesin subunits, Rec8 and Psm3. The non-phosphorylatable mutations at these sites showed specific defects in mono-orientation. These results enabled the genetic dissection of meikin functions at the centromeres.