PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Gartshteyn, Yevgeniya AU - Askanase, Anca D AU - Song, Ruijiang AU - Bukhari, Shoiab AU - Dragovich, Matthew AU - Adam, Kieran AU - Mor, Adam TI - SLAMF6 compartmentalization enhances T cell functions AID - 10.26508/lsa.202201533 DP - 2023 Feb 01 TA - Life Science Alliance PG - e202201533 VI - 6 IP - 2 4099 - 4100 - SO - Life Sci. Alliance2023 Feb 01; 6 AB - Signaling lymphocyte activation molecule family member 6 (SLAMF6) is a T cell co-receptor. Previously, we showed that SLAMF6 clustering was required for T cell activation. To better understand the relationship between SLAMF6 location and function and to evaluate the role of SLAMF6 as a therapeutic target, we investigated how its compartmentalization on the cell surface affects T cell functions. We used biochemical and co-culture assays to show that T cell activity is enhanced when SLAMF6 colocalizes with the CD3 complex. Mechanistically, co-immunoprecipitation analysis revealed the SLAMF6-interacting proteins to be those essential for signaling downstream of T cell receptor, suggesting the two receptors share downstream signaling pathways. Bispecific anti-CD3/SLAMF6 antibodies, designed to promote SLAMF6 clustering with CD3, enhanced T cell activation. Meanwhile, anti-CD45/SLAMF6 antibodies inhibited SLAMF6 clustering with T cell receptor, likely because of the steric hindrance, but nevertheless enhanced T cell activation. We conclude that SLAMF6 bispecific antibodies have a role in modulating T cell responses, and future work will evaluate the therapeutic potential in tumor models.