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Research Articles
- Mitochondrial signatures shape phenotype switching and apoptosis in response to PLK1 inhibitors
Specific mitochondrial proteins are associated with resistance to treatments targeting polo-like kinase 1 activity or expression in melanoma. Resistant cells are less apoptotic and trigger a transcriptional program of dedifferentiation and a pro-inflammatory phenotype.
- Novel determinants of NOTCH1 trafficking and signaling in breast epithelial cells
A screen for NOTCH1 localization and signaling in breast epithelial cells identifies 3 new genes that regulate receptor trafficking and abundance.
- Defective glycosylation and ELFN1 binding of mGluR6 congenital stationary night blindness mutants
This study demonstrates that several night blindness mutations in a retinal postsynaptic glutamate receptor lead to altered post-translational modifications and failure to bind to a presynaptic partner.
- Molecular analysis of acute pyelonephritis—excessive innate and attenuated adaptive immunity
Characteristics of a cytokine storm, with hyper-activated innate immunity and attenuated adaptive immunity in infants with acute pyelonephritis, defined by gene expression, urine protein, and exome sequence analysis.
- Genetic modulation of RNA splicing rescues BRCA2 function in mutant cells
This study provides proof of principle for the therapeutic potential of splicing modulation as a strategy to rescue BRCA2 function in mutant cells.
- NSD3 protein methylation and stabilization transforms human ES cells into variant state
Our study highlights the role of epigenetic machinery in transformation of normal pluripotent stem cells to variant pluripotent state. We demonstrate the importance of non-histone protein methylation, which underlie the EMT and abnormal differentiation behaviour of variant hESCs.
- Mechanical compressive forces increase PI3K output signaling in breast and pancreatic cancer cells
This article provides a proof-of-concept showing that the therapeutic impact of targeted therapies on solid cancer cells is dependent on compressive mechanical context.
- lncRNA CARINH regulates expression and function of innate immune transcription factor IRF1 in macrophages
The antisense lncRNA CARINH acts as an additional regulatory layer of antiviral immunity through coordinated regulation of the transcription factor IRF1 and downstream interferon-stimulated genes.
- COA5 has an essential role in the early stage of mitochondrial complex IV assembly
The mitochondrial protein COA5 was previously reported as a complex IV assembly factor. Studying a further case of COA5-related mitochondrial disease, the authors delineate an essential role of this protein in the early stage of complex IV assembly.
- UNC119 regulates T-cell receptor signalling in primary T cells and T acute lymphocytic leukaemia
Inhibiting the ciliary protein UNC119 in primary T cells alters LCK localisation and function independently of the phosphorylation state. UNC119 also may represent a therapeutic target in T acute lymphocytic leukaemia as UNC119 inhibition reduced cancer cell growth.
- Transcription factor EB (TFEB) activity increases resistance of TNBC stem cells to metabolic stress
TFEB promotes TNBC self-renewal and protects TNBC stem cells against metabolic stress via unfolded protein response and autophagy, revealing vulnerabilities that could be therapeutically exploited.
- Systematic assessment of structural variant annotation tools for genomic interpretation
This study benchmarks eight structural variant prioritization tools, highlighting their comparable effectiveness in predicting pathogenicity and providing insights for improved genomic research.
- FrozONE: quick cell nucleus enrichment for comprehensive proteomics analysis of frozen tissues
The authors establish and benchmark a nuclear proteomics workflow that is faster, simpler, and more scalable than classical protocols, while being as efficient, specific, and reproducible.
- DICE: fast and accurate distance-based reconstruction of single-cell copy number phylogenies
This work presents two new computational methods for reconstructing tumor cell lineage trees from single-cell copy number data.
- Concatemer-assisted stoichiometry analysis: targeted mass spectrometry for protein quantification
Concatemer-assisted stoichiometry analysis (CASA) addresses a common challenge in cell biology: absolute quantification of protein subunits in native protein complexes.
- Trans-scale live-imaging of an E5.5 mouse embryo using incubator-type biaxial light-sheet microscopy
We achieve in-toto single-cell observation in a whole hemisphere of an E5.5 embryo for 12 h, optimizing a special microscope system, including an incubator, and refining the observation protocol.
- Divergent destinies: insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying EPI and PE fate determination
This review explores the molecular mechanisms governing epiblast and primitive endoderm fate determination during murine pre-implantation development, dissecting this lineage specification process into four stages to provide a comprehensive framework for understanding their establishment and maintenance.