Chromatin & Epigenetics
- Drug-induced chromatin accessibility changes associate with sensitivity to liver tumor promotion
This work explores quantitative chromatin accessibility, transcriptional and cis-acting gene regulatory variations underlying mouse strain–specific differences in drug-induced liver tumor promotion sensitivity.
- Endogenous epitope-tagging of Tet1, Tet2 and Tet3 identifies TET2 as a naïve pluripotency marker
Expression of TET proteins in pluripotent cell types is visualised by epitope tagging of endogenous alleles.
- Subunit interactions and arrangements in the fission yeast Mis16–Mis18–Mis19 complex
A structural study of the fission yeast Mis19 protein, required for centromere establishment, is presented together with data describing its interactions with functional partners Mis16 and Mis18.
- Molecular characterization of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii telomeres and telomerase mutants
This study characterizes the sequence, end structure, and length distribution of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii telomeres and shows that telomerase mutants are defective in telomere maintenance.
- Mitotic replisome disassembly depends on TRAIP ubiquitin ligase activity
Analysis of the mitotic replisome disassembly pathway in X. laevis egg extract shows that any replisomes retained on chromatin past S-phase are unloaded through formation of K6- and K63-linked ubiquitin chains on Mcm7 by TRAIP ubiquitin ligase and p97/VCP activity.
- Intra-individual methylomics detects the impact of early-life adversity
This study shows that methylation profile changes across time in the same individual distinguish a stressful experience from typical infancy, providing a potential predictive marker of vulnerability to disease.
- BZLF1 interacts with chromatin remodelers promoting escape from latent infections with EBV
How herpesviruses escape from their latent states is enigmatic, but BZLF1, an important transcription factor of EBV, recruits cellular chromatin remodelers to viral DNA to overcome its epigenetic repression and initiate viral transcription.
- Assessment and site-specific manipulation of DNA (hydroxy-)methylation during mouse corticogenesis
This work describes the dynamics of DNA modifications in specific cell types of the developing mammalian cortex. By providing a new method to manipulate this process in vivo, it is shown how this process can influence brain formation.
- Mitochondrial acetyl-CoA reversibly regulates locus-specific histone acetylation and gene expression
This study shows that genetic or pharmacological manipulation of the TCA cycle, when mitochondria are dysfunctional, can modulate histone acetylation and gene expression in the nucleus with physiological outcomes.
- Polycomb and Notch signaling regulate cell proliferation potential during Caenorhabditis elegans life cycle
Caenorhabditis elegans lineage is invariant between animals. By challenging cell fate in differentiated worms, an unexpected role of Polycomb and Notch signaling in the control of cell proliferation was uncovered, suggesting that the lineage is more flexible than believed.